Martian Child: Diverse Situations - 23rd January 2024
Starting in 2024, I believe everyone will discover something new to craft a mixset brimming with freshness in its unique form. However, personally, I find myself dwelling on past events that continually replay in circles, some joyous and others regrettable. People enter and exit our lives, leaving both bright and bitter memories. Simultaneously, I aspire to depict diverse situations through a song arrangement that encapsulates various events in my distinctive mixset style. It might be an extensive selection, perhaps a bit overwhelming, but I've put in my best effort to weave it all together. I hope you enjoy it."
Bangkok Community Radio is a grassroots & forward-thinking radio station broadcasting from the heart of Bangkok. The station is a platform connecting the city's cultural communities
and empowering a diverse range of music, stories, and art to be
broadcast from one of the most dynamic places on the planet.